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Beste Irem Köse

Short Vita
She received her B.A. degree in Sociology from Boğaziçi University and her M.A. degree in Cultural Studies from Sabancı University. She worked as a teaching assistant for the course “Society and Humanity” at Sabancı University for two years. Her research interests include health and illness, reproductive technologies, and social movements.
Project Description
My research project “(Dis)embodied Processes: Anticipatory Logics of Oocyte Cryopreservation” aims to analyze the anticipatory logics underlying the use of oocyte cryopreservation technology with a particular focus on the experiences of Turkish immigrant women living in Germany. This research questions how women who use oocyte cryopreservation anticipate their reproductive futures and what such bodily intervention entails in terms of future-making and autonomy. It analyzes how Turkish immigrant women navigate between varying gender norms dominant in Germany and Turkey and how such navigation reflects in their anticipatory reproductive choices. It also aims discuss the ways in which immigration background plays a role in (re-)shaping their reproductive anticipation. I plan to conduct in-depth interviews with Turkish immigrant women in Germany who are considering using egg-freezing technology, those who are already engaged in the process, and those who have used their frozen eggs.