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Janine Hagemeister

Short Vita
I am a research assistant on the DFG-funded project „Tracing Data Politics,“ which is working on two ethnographic case studies on digital data for a ‘Verkehrswende’ in the city of Frankfurt. My focus is how data are rendered relevant in politics and governance, by the municipality and its partners. In 2022 I graduated with an M.A. in Science and Technology Studies at Goethe University. My thesis was a digital Participant Observation in the self-improvement community on YouTube. In 2019, I completed a B.A. in political science and philosophy, also at Goethe University.

Janine Hagemeister

Project Description
‘Verkehrswende’ is a term used to describe measures taken to change mobility and traffic regulation across Germany. It is a concept that informs, and is informed by, policymakers and citizens alike. Drawing together different imaginaries of how we will move, commute and travel in the future, is also a vision followed by those working on a more sustainable society. Data Politics play an important role in the development of this idea: evidence is generated, problematic issues visualized, and politics become datafied. My case study within the project “Tracing Data Politics” will investigate ethnographically how environmental data related to traffic issues are generated, processed and used for political negotiations by the municipality. The project therefore reaches out to public administrative actors of the Verkehrswende in Frankfurt and researches their practices of political decision-making to plan traffic infrastructures and mitigate climate change.