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Naomi Bi

Short Vita
Naomi is a PhD candidate in the DFG research training group “Fixing Futures”. She studied Sociology at the Goethe University Frankfurt. After the completion of her studies, she worked as a research assistant at the Institute for social-ecological research in Frankfurt in the research unit on biodiversity and people. Naomi’s research interests include environmental sociology, social and political ecology, (eco)feminist, postcolonial and decolonial theory and (feminist) science and technology studies.

Naomi Bi

Project Description
Today, a multitude of institutionalized sites of anticipatory knowledge production has emerged in the global context, whose goal is to produce policy-relevant knowledge for the governance of the different challenges of the Anthropocene and the future of life on earth. In my dissertation project I will investigate one of these sites of anticipatory governance at the science-policy interface for biodiversity, focusing on the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). The aim of my project is to make sense of how biodiversity futures are made present and actionable through anticipatory knowledge practices in IPBES, what kind of futures are envisioned and enacted therein, and how these practices of anticipation are contested. More specifically, I will investigate how epistemic and social-ecological futures are co-produced through a diverse set of future-making practices within IPBES that transform the ways in which humans know and relate to biodiversity and nature simultaneously.